miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015

Safe Dianabol Alternatives

In the world of bodybuilding and strength training most of us know that it takes a lot of hard work to achieve a decent physique, sometimes it takes a whole lot more than training and nutrition to build muscle, problem is most of us don't really know what to take to help pack on more of it, most famous bodybuilders have used steroids in the past, not to say that steroids make up 100% of their physique, but it does have a lot to do with it.
Pink dianabol tablets

Dianabol is one of the most popular steroids to have existed along with testosterone and many famous bodybuilders used it including Frank Zan and Arnold Schwarzenegger, many say that in the '70s bodybuilders consumed it like candy not knowing what the long-term side effects would be.
Dianabol is a steroid that at one point in time was approved by the FDA for treating symptoms of Dwarfism and the treatment of osteoporosis,  it was later removed from the market in the U.S because of the side effects it caused, yet it is still readily sold in other countries today.

Dianabol is also known by the name (Methandrostenolone) it was developed originally by Dr. John Bosley Ziegler and was used by Bill March of the U.S weight lifting team, some say it was developed during that time because the Russians were using forms of testosterone giving them more of an edge over other Olympic teams.
For many bodybuilders Dianabol was and still is one of the more popular steroids that can be purchased currently in Mexico (under the trade name Reforvit-b), it is also readily available in Europe and Asia.
Dianabol comes in a pill or injectable form, taken orally Dbol is slightly processed by the liver, but only a small portion is broken down but it can still cause liver damage, Dianabol also has an effect on decreasing hormone-binding globulins which are a protein that deactivates steroid molecules,  this prevents them from reacting with the body, making it more powerful than testosterone, resulting in fast muscle growth.

Dianabol side effects

Some seem to feel that the side effects from Dianabol are not as bad as other steroids, however, it can cause liver damage and heart problems such as left ventricular hypertrophy causing high blood pressure making the heart work harder. Dianabol can normally be detected in the body up to 3 days after taking it, but certain tests can find it in the urine up to 19 days after being consumed.

Dianabol alternatives

Modern science has found many different natural compounds that help stimulate muscle growth and mimic the effects of Dianabol, several new companies currently sell products labeled legal steroids that can have a similar effect on the body without the side effects. One very popular products are one called D-Bal but there are other safe Dianabol alternatives available.
D-Bal Max safe Dianabol alternative

D-Bal Max is another new product from a popular supplement company that contains something called 20-Hydroxyecdysterone a plant steroid that has been scientifically proven to work to help increase muscle mass and strength, the benefit of taking a natural Dianabol alternative is that there are no side effects.


Unless you are going to set foot on the Mr. Olimpia stage in the near future stay away from steroids as long as you can and in the meantime, you may want to consider a natural Dbol alternative not only is it cheaper it will help you make significant gains without the health risks. 

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

Who Can Benefit from Legal Steroids 

The first thing that comes to mind when people mention legal steroids is something that is harmful to the body and yes anabolic steroids if used for an extended period of time do have severe side effects especially if used for a prolonged period of time, Legal steroids are completely different.

The reason legal steroids are different is because of the following:

  • Made with all natural ingredients
  • No short ot long term side effects
  • Naturally stimulates your body’s own hormone production
  • No prescription required
  • Safe for prolonged use
  • No injections required

There are several companies that make legal steroids and one very popular products is made by a company by the name of CrazyBulk. The company has been around for several years and they offer a wide range of products that can help increase muscle, strength and give you more stamina for more intense workouts.

Crazybulk also sells something called stacks which are meant to be combined to achieve maximum results, for those interested in bulking or cutting they have a stack for each purpose, the company also sells the ultimate stack which includes all six products.

crazy bulk ultimate stack
Shown above is the Ultimate Stack from CrazyBulk

Who can benefit from a legal steroid?

Both men and women can benefit from using a legal steroid, men can use the bulking stack to help increase muscle mass, most men will see an increase in muscle anywhere between 15 and 20 lbs in less than approximately 30 days, women can take advantage of 3 products (Winidrol, Clenbutrol and Anadrole) that can help women burn fat and increase lean muscle.

Men can take advantage of the special cutting stack developed for men which will help increase lean muscle mass and improve muscle definition and striation. One of the biggest issues for anyone who trains hard is often reaching a plateau or sticking point, using a legal steroid can break that plateau and put you on the right track to making those gains and making sure every training session counts.

Legal steroids are reasonably priced

One of the biggest issues when it comes to anabolic steroids is price, anabolic steroids can often run thousands of dollars for a short cycle whereas legal steroids are much cheaper, a complete bulking stack cost less than $180.00 plus you know it's a legitimate product, unlike anabolic steroids that often have to be purchased from the black market, even worse you never know what you are getting. CrazyBulk products come with a money-back guarantee and they ensure the quality of their product.

Before and after picture testimonial using crazy bulk

One of the biggest questions athletes have with taking a legal steroid is how long before they will actually begin see results, most will see noticeable results within the first two weeks, usually gaining around 5 lbs within those first couple weeks, for full results it usually takes about a month, it is recommended with any legal steroid to stack for no more than 60 days, then rest for 30 and then cycle again, this will ensure your body does not get used to the effects.

Legal steroids for different reasons

Legal steroids can be used by just about anyone, hard gainers, those who struggle with losing weight or gaining definition, other reasons to use a legal steroid is if you struggle trying to maintain energy levels, one of the worst feelings when weight training is often being there mentally but phisically you are lacking, using a product from Crazy Bulk can increase energy and strength and give you enough power to maintain consistency during your training which is especially helpful on days when training major muscle groups like legs and back.


If you have been looking for a safe alternative to anabolic steroids you can't go wrong with taking a legal steroid, they are safe, effective and deliver real results without having to worry about damaging your body.

For more information, you are invited to visit my personal website to learn more about the many benefits of using a legal steroid.

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

CrazyMass and CrazyBulk Legal Steroids Compared

When it comes to packing on lean muscle mass forget the creatine and the whey protein, there are two much better products that can help increase muscle mass that run a close second to anabolic steroids and if you don’t believe me read on and learn more about how you can actually increase between 10 and 20 lbs of lean muscle mass in less than a months time.

Crazybulk and Crazymass Legal Steroids

In this article I am jgoin to discuss a little more about each company CrazyMass and Crazybulk, the reason I am doing so is because there has been a lot of controversy between the two best selling legal steroids.  The names are very similar and they both offer an outstanding product and I will discuss the differences in some detail below if you need more information you can click on the link at the end of this article and read a full review comparing both products in more detail.

Crazybulk and CrazyMass are both currently competing for the top spot in the legal steroid market, once an untapped market legal steroids have become a top seller among the bodybuilding and fitness communities, the reason being is that taking  a legal steroid comes close to the effectiveness of an anabolic steroid but there are many advantages including:

  • No side effects
  • Products are FDA approved
  • No prescription and no injections required
  • Cheaper than anabolic steroids
  • Real muscle gains
  • Can be stacked like anabolic steroids
  • Imprve strength stamina and endurance
  • Can be stacked just like any other steroid
CrazyMass has been operating since 2006 and was one of the pioneers in the legal steroid industry, they were the first ones to actually sell individual products with similar names to those of anabolic steroids, they then added a combination of stacks, to help bulk up, lean out, increase strength and energy and they even developed a stack to increase endurance and stamina.

The thing that makes their website more convincing is the fact that they have many video and picture testimonials from customers proving real gains from using their products, and one of the things that sets the company apart is the fact that they still use DHEA in the products which has been effective at boosting testosterone levels.

CrazyBulk began selling legal steroids in 2014 and they offer similar products to those of CrazyMass but they do lack a few products and stacks, in fact CrazyBulk only offers a cutting stack, a bulking stack and the ultimate stack but however they do sell a stack specially developed for female bodybuilders which CrazyMass does not.

When it comes to price both companies are butting heads because their pricing is close withing justa  few dollars and both companies currently offer a buy 3 product for the price of 3 making it a tough decision on which company is the best, my personal opinion is that both offer similar quality and yes I have used both so now its just a matter of which company gives you more confidence Click here to read my full CrazyMass vs Crazybulk Review

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

The Truth Behind Legal Steroids

If you are reading this article it is most likely because you are indecisive on whether to spend your money on a legal steroid, there are too many product scams that would like to take your money and provide you with little or no results.

In this article, I would like to explain some basic facts about the concept of a legal steroid and how it works, most think that legal steroids have little or no benefit,  truth is they do, but some think that it's way cooler to grab some kind of injectable off the black market, in all reality you are not only risking the integrity of a product that may or not may work, you are also taking a risk with your health.

How legal steroids work

Young muscular man posing with barbell plate
Legal steroids are nothing new, the reason you hear more about them recently is because there has been more of a demand for them, both male and female bodybuilders can benefit from a legal steroid, if you train hard you will get almost the same benefit as if you were to use an anabolic equivalent, now let me explain why.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic compounds that are produced with testosterone, anabolic steroids contain an ester with a molecule carbon chain attached to it which completes the ester. Anabolic steroids are injected and there also some that can be taken orally, in this case the esters are complete so your body immediately uses the chemical without having to produce additional hormones.

Legal steroids work in a different way, legal steroids contain natural compounds that are lacking a carbon compound or two but if you workout your body begins to demand testosterone,  taking a legal steroid helps your body complete this carbon and increases testosterone levels,  in simple terms it basically causes your body to produce more testosterone that it normally would.

Most bodybuilders think that the only way you can increase muscle mass is by taking anabolics and this is not true at all, if you look back to the early 80's when creatine became available many said it was worthless,  but yet creatine is now considered a staple in the bodybuilding world after so many years of people claiming it did not work.

CrazyBulk Ultimate stack with all 6 products

The Power of DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)

Another key ingredient in most legal steroids is something called DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), in fact DHEA is a very powerful muscle building supplement that is chemically very similar to an anabolic steroid, Dehydroepiandrosterone is naturally produced in the human body,  it is found in both men and women and is produced naturally by the adrenal glands.

DHEA acts as a precursor to many natural occurring hormones in the human body, especially testosterone. DHEA can have a positive effect on muscle growth making it ideal for men who want to pack on lean muscle mass without the side effects of anabolic steroids.

Legal steroids continue to improve their quality

Five years ago there were only a couple of companies producing legal steroids,  now there are more than two dozen, making competition harsh,  so much so that many companies have focused on elevating the concentrations in their products making them even more effective, most men and women who have used  some of the newer legal steroids have seen results in as little as two or three weeks, some men have been able to pack on anywhere between 15 to 25 lbs in less than a months.

CrazyBulk legal steroids

While a company by the name of Stacklabs held the title for producing the best legal steroids CrazyBulk has introduced a product line that is more effective and more potent without side effects, the other benefits is that the company has put together a combination of stacks making it easy to select the right product for your specific fitness goals.

Crazybulk offers a bulking stack for packing on muscle mass, they also offer a cutting stack for women to get lean and improve muscle definition, they also sell an ultimate stack which includes all 6 products, if you already know what you want you can mix and match the products yourself.


If you are serious about your training,  a legal steroid will offer just as many benefits as an anabolic steroid at a fraction of the cost and without any side effects,  making it a perfect solution for any bodybuilder or fitness model. For more info visit my blog here.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

Things You Should Know Before Taking Steroids

So you have heard all the hype about steroids and you have considered possibly taking them but before you do there are a few things you may want to consider. I have seen many guys in the gym who brag about taking one form of steroid or another and actually when I overhear the conversation it's almost embarrassing "especially when looking at their physique".

Some guys just don't understand that it takes more than steroids to build the perfect body. Someone who is 5 ' 5" is not likely to be a famous basketball player so why should someone who is narrow with a small frame expect to be a professional bodybuilder, I am not saying it is impossible, but genetics plays a big role.

Ripped middle aged man with ripped physique

Do you have genetic potential

Not everyone has genetic potential to be a pro bodybuilder, but even if you do don't be lazy, it is extremely important that you exhaust all your natural resources before considering taking steroids, especially if you are young, young men are in their prime and have all the hormones they need to build strong muscle mass, just make sure you are eating adequately and training hard and heavy before considering steroids.

Building muscle takes time

Rome was not built in a day neither is muscle, most pro bodybuilders have worked many years before achieving the body they have, all that muscle was built with more than steroids, it's the end result of hard intense training, pushing a lot of heavy weight day in and day out.

Consult your doctor

You most likely would not consider taking steroids unless your ultimate goal is to become a pro bodybuilder, before you do there are doctors that can help guide you with what you should be taking, most popular gyms will know someone you can you talk to and provide you with information you should be well aware of before taking any kind of sports enhancement drugs, sound professional medical advice would be the first thing to ask for if you are serious about competing.

Steroids are not cheap

One thing that always concerned me about steroids is that there are so many black market products sold who can trust them, decent steroids from a reputable source will break the bank, most pros will spend anywhere between $8000.00 and $10000.00 per cycle, some even more, personally that just does not seem worth it,  you can buy a lot of good food and quality protein supplements that can help you pack on lean muscle, sure it will take more  time, but it is a safer alternative.

While people say that steroids are not harmful, they can be, if you do consider them you should also consider proper health and nutrition to help prevent liver and kidney damage this means drinking plenty fo liquids to keep your body free from toxins, this will also mean abstaining from any kind of recreational drugs or alcohol.

"Ronnie Coleman 8 x Mr Olympia - 2009 - 7" by www.localfitness.com.au - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

There are legal steroid alternatives

If you are not going into pro bodybuilding why risk it at all, there are many legal steroid alternatives that can offer similar benefits without the side effects, most pros spend years building the muscle mass they carry around, steroids only add the finishing touches,  taking a legal steroid is a great alternative because there are no side effects, if you train hard it can offer similar benefits and results. Before you go to extremes there are plenty of other things you can do that will help you pack on lean muscle, if you are genetically gifted things like creatine and whey protein may be all you need to get you started, once you get close to Ronnie Coleman or Jay Cuttler status someone will notice and when they do you can take things to the next level with proper guidance.

domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

Obvious But Overlooked Ways to Pack on Muscle

On of the most common questions you see on many fitness “bodybuilding” forums is guys asking how to pack on lean muscle,  there hundreds of guys offering their opinion, yet I don’t see many of them bulging at the seems with huge muscles.

Opinions will vary on how to pack on muscle, it really is a simple process that takes time, consistency and hard work, how much muscle you pack on to some degree has to do with genetics but regardless, if you put in the work you will succeed.

I don’t claim to have any kind of degree in fitness or health but what I do have is lots of experience that has helped not only myself but many friends pack on massive amounts of muscle in a relatively short period of time.

Where to begin

If you have never set foot in a gym before you go hitting the weights you will need to start off slow, if you do have some degree of training experience you can start off a little quicker, but for most beginners it is good to start off with some isolation exercises to get a whole body workout, this will help your  muscles get used to lifting weight, this may take a week or two, but you don’t want to overdue things to the point where you are too sore to continue lifting.

Once you are used to the weight the best thing you can do is begin with compound exercises, which are:

Barbell rows
Bench press

You can begin performing these exercises with a moderate amount of weight and then gradually increase your weight,  there is a good website called stronglifts.com that talks about the process of lifting heavy and they offer several free programs.

Lift heavy

Most people are afraid to lift heavy weight, but the only way you can expect to pack on muscle is by shocking it with heavy weight. One of Ronnie Coleman’s famous sayings was “everyone wants to get big but nobody wants to lift heavy ass weights” Lifting heavy weights with compound exercises is the only true way to build both strength and muscle mass.


Another issue most guys have is getting enough to eat, in order for the muscle to thrive it requires protein and carbs because they are what provide you with energy. In my opinion, you should stick to clean foods and avoid as much processed foods as possible. Sure you can still eat fast food here and there but keep it to a minimum, what works for me is eating clean during the week and I will usually splurge on the weekends eating stuff I enjoy such as Pizza, fried chicken and a burger here and there, once Monday rolls around I am back to watching what I eat.

Lean proteins are important, try to stick to chicken, lean beef, fish, lots of rice sweet potatoes and green leafy vegetables.

Get plenty of rest

Rest is sometimes overlooked, in order for muscle to grow you need to get plenty of sleep, a good night's sleep not only helps muscle recovery it is also the time when you body releases the most HGH “human growth hormone” which is important for recovery you can't expect to be out partying all night and still pack on muscle.

While the above suggestions may seem simple and obvious they are often overlooked but in simple terms to gain muscle you need to lift heavy, Eat Big and rest, try it for a few months and I guarantee you will see results.

If you would like more information on weight training and supplement reviews I invite you to visit my personal website http://steroidreviewer.com

The Benefits of Legal Steroids

Anyone who has experienced the benefits of strength training knows very well how it can drastically improve someone’s physique, for men it helps them pack on more muscle, and for women it's a great way to help reduce fat and firm up important body parts. One thing that is prominent in the bodybuilding world is the use of steroids, not everyone uses them but many do and unless you plan on competing in the Olympia there is probably no need to damage your body.

Legal steroids

In the past few years legal steroids have become very popular, I am not going to say trendy because legal steroids have been around for a very long time, at first many offered very little results but over time the ingredients and formulas have improved making them a very good alternative for those who want to pack on muscle safely and without any side effects. The scientific research invested in the development of legal steroids has exponentially grown, there are dozens of products out in the market today that bodybuilder’s didn’t even think possible just a few decades ago.

Why use a legal steroid?

Legal steroids often receive criticism from guys who say that they cannot possibly work, if you do not train and eat properly it will be difficult to gain muscle even with a legal steroid.

Legal steroids are concentrated supplement pills that contain a mixture of proteins and herbs to help your body naturally stimulate hormone production, the difference between these and illegal steroids is that legal steroids are completely safe and won't produce any harmful side effects. Legal steroids can accomplish a few things: they can boost human growth hormone and testosterone production along with increasing and accelerating the body’s natural protein synthesis process.

Another reason legal steroids work is because scientifically speaking they are an uncompleted version of a testosterone ester, yet they make the ester completion relatively simple, the only way your body will complete this ester is by forcing it to do so.  If you take a legal steroid and go watch TV there is no need for your body to produce additional testosterone, however if you take a legal steroid and go to the gym and begin to lift heavy amounts of weight, Guess what? You have now raised your body’s natural desire to produce more testosterone and since your body already had some incomplete esters it can and will now increase testosterone levels naturally.

Benefits of legal steroids

  • Can be cycled just like anabolic steroids
  • No Side effects
  • No injections
  • Increase strength and lean muscle mass
  • Stimulates natural hormone secretion
  • Most products are FDA-approved
  • Safe for extended use

What kind of legal steroids you take is up to you, in the past I had taken some from a company by the name of stack labs, over the years I have found some new products that are not only cheaper but they also offer highly concentrated amounts of everything your body needs to pack on a good amount of muscle.

Crazy Bulk is a company that has been around for several years and has just redesigned its product line improving the quality and the potency of their ingredients, the product line has 8 different steroids which include:

D-Bal (Dianabol)
Anvarol (Anavar)
Tbal75 (Trenbolone)
Anadrol (Anadrole)
Winidrol (Winstrol)
Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol)
Testosterone Max (Testosterone Blend)
Decaduro (Deca Durabolin)

As you can see the names are very similar to those of the original anabolic steroids, the difference being is that the legal steroid version is completely safe and has no side effects whatsoever. About five years ago a one month supply of testosterone or winidrol would cost around $ 89.00 but as I mentioned before, the quality has improved and the cost has dropped, a one month supply of testosterone now costs under $60.00. 

One of the reasons I like the Crazy Bulk product line is because they currently offer an incredible deal in which you basically buy three products for the price of two. Crazy Bulk offers a wide variety of stacks that are easy to combine for men. They have scientifically formulated these stacks for unique purposes, the bulking stack is designed for accelerated muscle gain, the company also offers a cutting stack for those wanting to shed fat and improve muscle definition, lastly, Crazy Bulk offers the Ultimate Stack at a reduced price which includes all 8 products from the previous stacks.


As you can see legal steroids offer numerous benefits for both men and women who are serious about gaining muscle and want to improve their physique, they can be very effective and inexpensive when compared to synthetic or "anabolic steroids" and there ae no health risks.